Bachelor of Music

Updates and advice on changes to the Bachelor of Music program requirements.

Students commencing in the Bachelor of Music are required to follow the program requirements for the year they commenced study.

Students continuing in the Bachelor of Music are able to complete the program requirements that were in place the year they commenced, or they can apply to change to the new program requirements. 

There have been changes to some majors and courses offered through the Bachelor of Music in 2025. Use the completion plans below to find course substitutions and plan your enrolment.

An information session for current students was held on Thursday the 3rd of October. You can watch the recording of the session here. If you have questions, or if you need help to map out the remainder of your study, please contact either the CASS Student Office, or the program convenor, Thomas Laue.

Bachelor of Music Program

A number of changes have been introduced in 2025 for the Bachelor of Music program requirements which change how continuing students will complete their Aural Skills and Music Theory/Jazz Studies courses, and music history & context courses. Please see the completion planner for the Bachelor of Music below, as well as the planner for your relevant major(s).

Completion planner for the Bachelor of Music program study requirements

Composition for Film and Video Games Major

A number of courses in the Composition for Film and Video Games Major have been moved to topics under the new course MUSI2229 Composition: Methods and Craft. MUSI2226 Composition for Film and Video Games has also been replaced by MUSI1114  Composing for Film and Video Games. Please see the planner below for further details.

Completion planner for the Composition for Film and Video Games Major

Composition Major

There have been a number of changes to courses in the Composition Major. Please see the planner below for further details.

Completion planner for the Composition Major

Contemporary Music Production Major (New) 

This is a new major introduced in 2025 and will replace the Music Technology Major. Continuing students can elect to complete either. Please see the planner below for advice on courses which you may have already taken which will count towards this major.

Completion planner for the Contemporary Music Production Major 

Musicology Major

There have been significant changes to courses in the Musicology Major for 2025. Please see the planner below for further details.

Completion planner for the Musicology Major

Music Technology Major 

There have been changes to the codes and levels of some courses in the Music Technology Major. Please see the planner below for substitutions.

Completion planner for the Music Technology Major 

Performance Major

A number of new courses have been added to the Performance Major from 2025. Please see the planner below for further details.

Completion planner for the Performance Major
